company policy
Frequently Asked Questions
How can the Bovelander office be reached?
During office hours you can reach us between 9.00 am and 5.00 pm on +31 235410330. During the hockey camps we are always available and reachable 24/7 for emergencies on our mobile phone +31 617038489. Besides we are also available bia email:
What time does the Hockey Camp start?
The Mini and Junior Hockey Camp starts every day at 9.00 am and at 5.30 pm the camp is finished. The Sleep Camps at Zandvoort start on Sunday at 1.00 pm and ends on Saturday 3.30 pm. The Junior Sleep Camps are from 1.00 pm on Sunday till 5.30 pm on Wednesday.
My child has specific needs, can you help them during the camp?
With pleasure! Children with special features such as ADHD, autism, asthma, allergies, diets or other medical conditions can participate in our camps. Please be clear to indicate this at the registration form. For children whom need a conciderable amount of individual attention, it is advised to contact the Bovelander office in advance: +31 235410330.
Do children apply solo?
Most of them do! A considerable amount of children apply solo, some join with friends. Nevertheless, our hockeycamps are constituted in a way that everyone from the beginning get to know each other. Furthermore, we host a large array of games and social activities in which the children have plenty of time to have fun with each other and interact.
My kid is a little bit too young, could my kid participate in the (Junior) Hockey Camp?
The ages listed on our site are used as guidelines. You as parent know best what is good for your kid. Therefore, it is your choice whether or not your kid participates in the (Junior) Hockey Camp. However, it would be nice for us to let this know during the registration.
My child cannot attend the full Camp, is there a possibility to leave a day early?
In this case it is always important to contact the office. If there are still enough places available for the camp, it is often not a problem, but you always have to pay the fixed costs that we make for the organisation of the camp.
Are the children classified by age, ability or friendish groups?
We always look at the individual needs of the children. It can be indicated on the registration form who they want in the group with. If there is no preference indicated, we will divide the children as much as possible on level and age. If in the course of the camp it becomes apparent that they are not in the right group, we can always switch the participant to the desired group.
How many staff members are present at each camp?
We always strive for one supervisor per seven children. In many cases, this is even a supervisor per five children.
Do boys and girls sleep seperately?
During all our camps, boys and girls sleep separately. The children do sleep in the same tented village, however girls sleep in girls tents and boys in the boys tents. The staff sleeps seperately from the participants, but they are always in close proximity in case of emergencies. Also each night two staffmembers are night-officer at the tented village to take care of the children.
What should I bing to the Hockey Camp?
Two weeks prior to the Hockey Camp the participants will receive a camp letter in which you can read the information about the camp and of course a list of what to bing to the camp is included.
Can children bring their phone to camp?
Because social media is not indispensable to the youth and it can also have lots of fun effects, we decided that children can bring a mobile phone on the Bovelander hockey camps. But there are limitations: At regular intervals, one may make use of their mobile phone, however, n not while eating and on the pitch. Every day we allow some telephone time for taking and sharing photos.
Are kids allowed to drink alcoholic beverages or smoke during the camp?
It is not allowed to bring cigarettes or alcoholic beverages during the camp. It is stricktly forbidden to drink or smoke during the camp, neither e-cigarettes are allowed. By violation of the rules the staff members can confiscate these items.
If your question and answer is not amongst the above, we are very happy to answer you question in person. Please call or e-mail us and we will come back to you as soon as possible.
Office number: +31-235410330
Mobile number: +31-611046867